Full Video: Biodiesel and School Buses Workshop News

Full Video: Biodiesel and School Buses Workshop

Sustainable school buses is one of TASS’s four areas of focus for systems change. This workshop explored the practicalities of implementing low-carbon fuel (biodiesel) in school buses in Hong Kong, drawing on the experience of our member schools and their students and our partners.

The session covers the following:

  1. Introduction to The Alliance for Sustainable Schools
  2. Introduction to biodiesel as an ultra-low carbon fuel 
  3. Success stories of biodiesel in school buses in other cities with Green School Bali and Neutral Fuels
  4. Panel discussion with ASB Biodiesel, Shell, WWF, The Harbour School
  5. Closing remarks

Watch the complete video below. Let’s get #biodieselinschoolbuses!


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