Sustainability at
Oryx International School

At Oryx International School, sustainability is woven into our everyday practices and embedded in our curriculum. This is all driven by our dedicated Eco-Warriors team, across our Primary and Secondary which is a team of dedicated students and teachers who lead green initiatives across our school, focusing on themes like waste, energy, water, food, and climate change. Through this, we believe we have managed to inspire a culture of environmental responsibility among all students and staff.
Each new academic year our Eco-Warriors complete an environmental review of our school based on these themes and think of SMART targets formulated into an action plan to maintain or improve these environmental aspects of school life. Our sustainability efforts include a strong recycling program for paper, cardboard, and plastic, supported by partnerships with local organisations such as Al Suwaidi Paper Factory, Baladiya, and Refill2Save.
Oryx integrates environmental themes into all year groups’ curricula, from weekly lessons to celebrating global eco-events. Our Eco- Warriors meet weekly to discuss our action plan and how they are being met. Information is recorded on a CANVAS platform where Eco-Warriors and students can keep up to date with our action plan and targets.
In 2023/2024 Oryx was awarded The Green Flag award from Eco Schools for our dedication to sustainability in our school. Oryx is also the first school worldwide to achieve the IATA Environmental accreditation award through Qatar Airways!
Through our combined efforts, Oryx is committed to nurturing global citizens who champion sustainability for a prosperous future and we are delighted to give our student body at Oryx the opportunity to join TASS-we are really excited to collaborate with like-minded institutions and students worldwide.