Sustainability at
Holme Grange School

Holme Grange School is at the forefront of prioritising environmental education and sustainability. Our extensive involvement and efforts ensure sustainability is embedded into every fabric of our school. We are the first eduCCate Global Gold Standard school in the UK. We have:
Our Strategy encompasses ten pivotal areas, from Environmental Education and Biodiversity to Waste and Water Management, with the aim to:
Tangible Outcomes:
Beyond the School Walls:
A specially curated sustainability curriculum from Reception to Year 9, with unique programs like “Climate Bravery”. Collaborated with the University of Oxford for the integration of sustainability in education.
Mock COP:
In both 2021 and 2022, our whole school engaged in a Mock COP with activities ranging from environmental discussions to hands-on experiences. Our contributions were acknowledged at the actual COP in Egypt.
From setting up a plastic recycling plant to introducing clothes recycling bins, our students gain experiences which enable them to understand the practicality of sustainability.
Community Engagement:
Our students, part of local and national groups, lead meetings and discussions with professionals from the business and education sectors. Parent groups actively support and sometimes lead our sustainability endeavours. Additionally, our Student Parliament houses a Sustainability Council, which annually contributes to the school’s development plan.
Holme Grange School, has a vast array of sustainability initiatives and a deep-rooted commitment to environmental education. Through continued innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment, we aim to persistently push the boundaries of sustainability in education, making a positive, enduring impact on our global community.