Sustainability at
Heritage International Xperiential School

At HIXS, we believe that all of us have an ethical responsibility to share our knowledge and understanding of the environmental, social and economic sustainability challenges that face the world. The Sustainability team is constantly working to involve and guide more stakeholders to contribute towards the challenges faced by humankind, be it climate change, water scarcity, inequality or hunger.
These critical issues can be resolved at a global level only by a shared understanding of the importance of ecological sustainability so that both the present and future generations may enjoy a better life. We believe that no age is too young to start making students responsible towards the sustainability of their planet and our commitment is to make every student an ambassador for positive change in this regard.
We are now geared to initiate sustainability projects that are tailored to suit all age groups, starting from the Primary School. Our commitment is to include all stakeholders, be it students, parents, teaching and administrative staff or support staff so that the entire community understands the importance of sustainability and its role in making the school and the larger community sustainable.
The Smart Building Project took shape during our Annual Summit, Shunya, which addressed critical issues that challenge the human race. During the culmination of the annual summit, we saw the concerns of many students regarding the environment and climate change expressed through different mediums. The whole world is now looking at environment friendly sustainable solutions to such problems. One such solution is the use of science to work on the concept of smart buildings / green buildings.
Our newly-constructed building gave our students the opportunity to work on a live project and interact with architects and designers. They were able to share their ideas through an interactive platform, resulting in active participation during the first phase of this project presentation. The main areas of focus were to implement smart features such as: