Sustainability at
Al-Bayan Bilingual School

BBS is aware of the importance of sustainability as a holistic approach through different areas: leadership, decision making, curriculum, infrastructure, and community to develop global stewardship among its students and contribute to the achievement of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
With this vision in mind, BBS has included sustainability in its strategic plan and established a sustainability committee as one of the design teams to identify, discuss, execute and implement ways of increasing sustainability actions among the school through sustainable policies and practices. It has also conducted a reality assessment to collect data that it can use to inform future actions. This survey targeted five different categories of the school community; stakeholders, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, and students.
To ensure that student voice is part of the change, we established “Green Ambassadors” which is a student-led, student-initiated club dedicated to conserving and saving the BBS and Kuwait environment through three key focus areas; waste management, increasing green areas, and spreading awareness of environmental issues.
We have partnered with Beyond Organic to install tower gardens and a professional vertical tower farm at our school based on the latest aeroponic technology.
More sustainability projects are under development and will start to come to fruition over the coming months. These include additional recycling efforts, energy saving infrastructure, establishment of a farm eco desert campus, and urban beekeeping.